
Finally, all your Job Postings & Students. in one place.

Effortlessly manage college and job placements with our software. From posting jobs to offer letters, streamline the entire process with ease

three persons each with one big piece of jigsaw puzzle

Your Placement, Job & Company Insights. Together.

Transform placement data into insights with our analytics software. Make informed choices for better outcomes

three persons each with one big piece of jigsaw puzzle

Unleash your creativity with Learns.

Empower educators to share courses and enable seamless student learning through our online course platform

three persons each with one big piece of jigsaw puzzle

Endless ways to find career path with Insider.

Insider opens endless doors to explore unique career paths, guiding with insider knowledge for unconventional prospects.

Let's Explore Insider

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Craft Your Perfect Resume with Flash

Effortlessly create professional, ATS-compliant resumes with customized templates and keyword optimization for maximum impact.

Build Resume

three persons each with one big piece of jigsaw puzzle

Happy to Support you at any Time.

We're delighted to provide unwavering support whenever you need it. Your satisfaction is our top priority

three persons each with one big piece of jigsaw puzzle

From Crazy Ideas to Code: The Haveloc Story.

Like to know who we are?

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Drop your aim with management@haveloc.com